

Lift your spirits on Monday so that you don’t have such a “hump to jump” on Wednesday.

Slide thru Thursday and your “livin for the weekend!”

Happy hour menu with 50% menu starts at 4PM till 7PM and then there is a whole lot a shakin’ goin’ on!


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Vegas RAW Natural Born Artists—


Ok, so I thought things just weren’t that fun anymore

—not like the club scene in New York in the ‘80s when I was the greatest performance artist of all times…


… riding my toy tractor and inflatable horse on stage while I sang these little ditties to a track.

But I was WRONG.

The RAW Natural Born Artists are the joint of undercover Las Vegas, serving up fun and frivolity like no other on April 10 at the newly opened Freemont Country Club, self-described as “Tex-Mex brothel Kitsch meets Sinatra in space” complete with merry-go-round ponies and eight foot horseshoes in a 10,000 square foot joint. This is the kind of country club I could dig joining.

Where to start? There was art—illustrators like Joseph Garcia, visual artist Laron Emcee, low key super-prolific Jef Logan (fstudios.net), body art by Jazmine Ringo whose model told me that she sits in a bathtub for four hours with a glass wine to get that stuff off, music from Heather Newman, United Devoted Comrades, Kella Bo Bella, and Red Peach. The dance troupe of Paraquay-born Allison Jacks was otherworldly and thought provoking. Social media was in effect big time. One male artist wistfully told me he wished every day could be like this. Ditto, but don’t quit your day job.

Below are a list of stage performers in order and links to their Facebook or website.

Spoken word Poet- Nathan Say FB: http://kellakellabobella/

Music- Heather Newman FB: https://www.facebook.com/heathernewmanmusiclv

Music- United Devoted Comrades FB: https://www.facebook.com/UNITEDDEVOTEDCOMRADES/info

Music- Kella Bo Bella FB: http://kellakellabobella/

Runway MUA- Rebecca Morgan FB: https://www.facebook.com/getdolledup1

Music- Red Peach FB: https://www.facebook.com/RedPeachMusic

Dance Performance- Allison Jacks FB: http://www.rawartists.org/cmcfactory

Fashion Runway- Wendy Eberhardt-Petrick FB: http://www.facebook.com/wepdesigns

Are you having an event?

Cruela Vaudevillia


Contact: SinCityJazzKat@Gmail.com

Rose Sailcat

Director, Public Relations, The Jazz Gumbo Project



Zaina and the (Music Industry) Beast

Zaina Julliette BW
Beauty Takes on The Beast

I can’t cover the subject of how women are treated in the music industry enough. They often bring the most passion and dedication to their craft and pay the highest price to succeed.

Zaina Julliette has managed to accomplish some amazing things in the predatory world of the male dominated music industry.

In fact that Zaina is so busy developing her brand and performing before large audiences that it took more than a year for me to finally corner her for this interview.

In a market where cover artists are struggling and original music is treated like a terminal disease the fact that she is constantly working is nothing short of amazing.

Being beautiful and talented in this industry is all too often a fatal curse to a career. Looks can open doors that far too often lead to a “casting couch” or “knee pads on the carpet”. That applies to females and males as well.

When I finally caught up with Zaina I got her to speak about branding, the cost of beauty, her influences and the importance of careful team building. If you really want to learn how to be a success in the music business you must talk to someone who has succeeded on their own terms.

Energy and passion define Zaina. Here is a short clip of a rehearsal and her commentary on the business and advice for the “up and coming” artist.


Her name is her brand and she plans to bring her birth name as part of her brand as an “alter ego” and a special feature.

Beauty and the Music Beast:

The “Casting Couch Monster” is something that women and to a lesser degree men have to deal with in the music industry. Rumors will be spread and producers will fall in love, or lust with the artist. That is as bad as a dope dealer being their own best client.

Zaina recommends keeping a “sacred” distance and having a “representative” in between you and the clients. Someone that can play whatever role that you need them to play to get the project done.


Sly Stone, The Funkadlics, Prince, Michael Jackson and a little bit of Tina Turner. A big part of her art is loyalty and commitment to her band.


When you do a cover make it your own flavor. She did The BlackBirds cut, “Walking in Rhythym” and added funk and more vocals.

Listen and learn.

If I had to point out one thing that I came away with from this interview it would be to believe in YOUR vision and YOUR voice. Without belief in yourself  you have a slim chance of convincing someone else. Slim to none!

Zaina has been approached to be a “Sex Symbol” or the new “Queen of Funk”.

Check her out on these links and decide for yourself should she be either, neither, or both?

The Official Zaina Juliette Website

Hear Zaina on Reverb Nation

MoneyStone is Deep…

I was surprised to hear some original music at an open mic. 

After P-Funk and Motown covers the only thing that I heard that was original was a beautiful spoken word tribute to marriage by skilled young lady who goes by Solid Truth. And that was pretty effectively drowned out by bar noise. Too bad those people missed it.

Surprise is one of the spices of life and I was talking with Zaina Julliette about the lack of original music when MoneyStone said, “this will be original!” The next thing I knew he was on keys doin’ the damn thing.

When JET was huge.

It caught me so off guard that I had to post the video on Spacebook to find out who he was. Then I couldn’t remember if it was MoneyStone or MoneyBone, which although cool would defiantly not be appreciated. So I had to look him up.

When JET was huge.

MoneyStone was in JET MAGAZINE back in the day when you had to make people proud to get into JET. Even then he went past FUNKY he was “STINKY!” 

If you want to know what he is working on now you can check out his Facebook page.